Welcome to Sunlight Network!

We are a forum for spreading information about the spiritual awakening now taking place on Earth. New Age, UFOs, Karma and reincarnation, healing and other topical subjects are covered.
The world is expanding, time is quickening and we are all becoming ONE.
Sunlight Network was founded on the Summer Solstice of 1995. A group of us had gathered around the ancient stone circles in Avebury, England, to celebrate. The original thirteen members soon became hundreds as we started a New Age journal to spread important information. This journal has now become a website to reach even more people around the world.
Please feel free to explore the world of Sunlight!
Amma Magi
Amma Magi (also known as Marie Norlén-Smith) was born in 1949. Raised in Gävle, Sweden, she moved to London at the age of nineteen.
For thirty years she worked as a professional secretary/P.A. in high-profile businesses in the West End of London until she launched herself as a publisher, editor, journalist and author.
Amma Magi is a spiritual educator and healer with a background of metaphysical and esoteric studies since 1969:
Student of the late Dr George King (1919-1997), Founder-President of The Aetherius Society and Western Master of Yoga. She is the Official Representative for Greece.
Student of Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich, Master Teacher of Meta yoU Mystery School of Metaphysics.
Founder of Sunlight Network and Sunlight New Age Journal
Voice of the Traveller on the Path
Voice of Empowered Women in the New Millennium
Creator of "Kulturella Rummet" at Skaparbyn, Hedesunda, Sweden
Freelance journalist and photographer
Amma Magi now lives in Sweden and Greece, continuing her creative work as a Missionary of Life. She invites you to delve into her world through her websites www.norlensmith.se and www.sunlightnetwork.se as well as her Blog: http://ammamagi.sunlightnetwork.se
Amma is available for workshops, informal meetings, personal consultations, etc.
We also offer various services. These will vary from time to time.
Please also check out Healing Service: www.AmmaMagi.com
The useful role of Sunlight Network has proven itself as we draw more and more new friends worldwide to our contact list. We now invite you to support our work by sending a donation via PayPal. Become an active part of the Sunlight Family!
We offer services for those of you who wish to visit us here in Mani, Peloponnesos in Greece. There is a variety of accommodation available and we can arrange private tours around the area. Do keep in touch.
Thank you for your support!
Amma Magi